
Archive for June, 2007

London bound



I am sure it is a very good thing that Eric and I didn’t hear about the London terrorist bomb plot until well on our way home from the airport today! And to think I was concerned about baggage, money and documents 🙂 We thank you for your prayers for continued safety and security for Janice and Ellen. We have already heard from Ellen once – she called us while her plane was on the tarmac waiting to take off for the final leg to London. She is so delighted to be on her way and thanking God for His blessings.


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Melvin, Clifford and Irene

This is a photo of some of the precious faces of the children at the orphanage I will be at in just a couple of days. These particular kids are being adopted by some good friends of ours. They have been in the adoption process for over a year, and I’m looking forward to meeting and befriending these kids before they come home to Bellingham. They are named (left to right) Melvin, Clifford and Irene. Clifford and Irene are siblings and Melvin is their cousin. Our friends are hoping to bring them home soon, I know they would appreciate your prayers.

Our first flight leaves tomorow morning at 10:45 from Seattle. We are flying to Newark, NJ, and then from there on an overnight flight to London. We will stay in London for two nights, then depart Monday morning for Liberia.

Love you all…now I better get to sleep because it is going to be an EARLY morning tomorrow…(=


Note from Ellen’s mom:

I just sent a very tired and excited young lady off to bed. She has done a very good job preparing for her trip these last few days. Although some of it I have had to do for her she has been good to pick up extra chores around the house and do whatever else she can to help.

Everything is so organized that I keep thinking we must have forgotten something – it can’t be this smooth, can it? I guess planning the trip twice helps! The only worry I’ve had the last week or so is how the time in London will go for Ellen and Janice. Please keep them in your prayers over the weekend. They have a lot of luggage to be carting around the big city until their flight on Monday. And the money and documents! I pray it all stays safely in their custody.

We don’t know what Ellen’s email access will be like in Liberia but we should be able to have phone contact with her. As we hear from her, I will keep you updated.

Love to all,


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Thanks once again for all of your support and prayer. It has really shone through in this busy and exciting time! This email is directed to the people who live locally who have expressed a desire to contribute some things for the kids at the orphanage. (It is easier and faster to send it to everybody on the mailing list (=. Those of you who do not live locally can pray!)

It has taken some time to get the information about what is most needed right now so even though the time is short before I leave (Friday morning), let me know if you gather any of these things and we’ll find a time to connect.

One of the most useful things right now is maxi pads for the older girls at the orphanage.

These are some other special little things that the kids would REALLY enjoy:


-pepperoni sticks (such as Slim Jims)

-protein bars or Cliff Bars

Since there are so many children at the orphanage it would be best to have a lot of one or two things rather than having a little bit of several things.

Another thing that the children find so precious is to receive hand-written letters or notes. It is neat for them to receive a letter from someone who cares!

The availabilty of supplies is increasing in Liberia and we’ll be purchasing more things for the kids once we get there. The children’s needs change frequently depending on what they recieve from ACFI and other organizations. Please pray that once we do get there, the things that we need to buy for the kids are the things that are available!

Since I was able to send a whole suitcase of things for the kids a few months ago (the college students I thought I would be traveling with kindly took that suitcase with them) I have had the opportunity to gather more things for those precious kids and it is so cool! Thanks so much again for your help. If possible, I look forward to seeing you before I leave!


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2 1/2 weeks to go!

The trip is now in place! All we need to do now is…wait.

Thank you SO much for your prayers. I know I’ve said this a lot but I can’t say it enough: it is such a blessing to be covered by prayer!

The visas (mine and Janice’s) arrived on Monday (yeeesssss!). The slip of paper bearing proof of my yellow fever vaccination was not in the package with my passport (we had to send that slip of paper to the Liberian embassy in order to get the visa and we’ll need it again to get into the country) but rather than trying to get that original copy back from the embassy we were able to get another copy from the travel clinic.

So, the bags are packed, the visa and passport are safely in our hands, the yellow fever slip is with the passport, the plane tickets arrived in the mail, and Janice is ready too. I can’t believe this is actually happening! God really is and always is faithful.

In the next few weeks, please remember the prayer requests I’ve had all along:

-That God would prepare my heart to go as a humble servant of His

-That I would be sensitive to the culture and traditions of the Liberian people

-For my safety and good health

-That God will show me the best way to minister to the children and others I come into contact with while there

Thank you again for your support and prayers!


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Greetings everyone. The new plans for Ellen’s trip are falling into place nicely. I had a great visit with Janice Bigelow (Ellen’s travel companion) today and we had a chance to wrap up some of the paperwork for the visa applications and discuss the trip. She is so precious. I am grateful for her – Ellen will be in good hands!

I was made aware today of a situation that I would ask you all to be in prayer over. Because the orphanage Ellen is to be ministering at is operating on such a tight budget, a church in the United States gathered food and supplies and sent it to Liberia for the orphans. There are officials who are refusing to release the containers until ACFI (the church organization operating the orphanage) pays $13, 000. It seems clear that it is a case of corruption and greed that is behind the demand. In the meantime, the children need the food that is meant for them. Please pray that this barrier would be removed and the containers would be delivered quickly to the orphanage.

I would also ask that you specifically be in prayer for the safety of the children in the orphanage.

Ellen is wrapping up her last couple days of classes and then will be focusing her attention on the final preparation for the trip. She will be in touch with you soon to let you in on some of her specific prayer requests!

Thank you again for all your love and kindness,


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